Annual General Meeting - February 21, 2024
annual general meeting on Wednesday, February 21st at 7pm
Please join us for our Annual General Meeting to discuss the following items:
1. Election of Board members
2. Approval of Financial Statements for the year ended August 31, 2023
3. Update on entering into pastoral search process
4. Extension of Transitional Pastor contract
This meeting will be held in person AND online using the Zoom platform. If you wish to attend via Zoom, you must register in advance. Please REGISTER for this meeting by clicking on the registration button below. The Zoom link for the meeting will be contained in the confirmation email that you will receive after registering. No registration is needed to attend in person.
For those attending via Zoom:
We will be using the Zoom polling feature to vote on the Board nominees and on the Transitional Pastor contract extension. This allows us to receive responses anonymously, which is similar to conducting a secret ballot vote at an in-person meeting. However, Zoom allows only one response for each meeting participant; in other words, if two people are participating in the meeting on one single device (e.g. a couple watching the meeting on a shared computer), only one vote can be recorded. We encourage every member to join the meeting on a separate device in order to simplify the voting process.
If you are unable to join on a separate device, there will be a method in place to ensure that each member in attendance at the meeting will be able to vote.
If you have any questions, please contact the church office by phone at 604-519-0123 or email Christine Pfortmueller.
CLICK HERE to download and view the meeting documents before attending. Please review these prior to the meeting in order to help make the meeting run smoothly.
CLICK HERE to watch a short video about the Zoom online platform and how the polling will work. NOTE that we made this video a couple of years ago, so the dates on the video are not correct: but all the other information remains the same (i.e. how to use Zoom, how the polling will work, etc.).