We know it can be a little daunting to step into a new thing, especially when you're not exactly sure what to expect! Here are some FAQs to give you a picture of what Bethany looks like week-to-week.
In short we are people from a variety of cultural, ethnic and economic backgrounds who are united in our love of Jesus. Differences like these would seem to separate but in Jesus we come together as family who honour and value one another as we celebrate life together as we worship, as we learn, as we play. Our greatest treasure is that we believe Jesus is exactly who He says He is, God’s Son who came to save and forgive us and make us new. We don’t pretend to be perfect, all together people because really, who is? Instead we come together to learn and grow in our faith where we love Jesus and in turn, love the people with whom we live, work and play. In this, it is our desire, to become more and more like Jesus.
Come and join us as we discover more and more about Him.
Questions about Jesus and Christianity?
Click on any of the following that applies to you.
What's happening at Bethany?
- Craving Cafe
- Regular events and Programs
- ESL Classes (beginners, intermediate and advance)
The Alpha Course
Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a space, where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about faith, life and God.
The Alpha Film Series is designed for today’s audience. It was filmed all around the world, and features interviews with world-famous leaders and inspiring stories. Two new hosts, Toby Flint and Gemma Hunt, join Nicky Gumbel to unpack the basics of the Christian faith in an updated and engaging way.
Contact the office to find out when we will be running the next Alpha.
If you are wondering what Alpha is all about, here's a great video to watch:
- What is Alpha?
Craving Cafe
Adults are invited to join Peter and Shawna De Conti in the HUB from 7-9 pm.
There will be a time of discussion based on the Right Now Media’s series followed by fun fellowship.
Sign up with Right Now Media to access thousands of biblical videos.
Regular Events and Programs
Check out our Events Calendar for events and programs we are offering at Bethany.
ESL Classes
Please contact Pastor Joe for information about our current ESL classes.
Tell Me More About BETHANY.
Where is the church building and office located?
We are located in Richmond, BC.
Here's our address:
22680 Westminster Highway, Richmond, BC
V6V 1B7.
How can I get connected?
There are a few ways to connect with the Bethany community!
Just fill out a:
- Connecting card online, or in person. Drop your connecting card at the welcome table
- Speak to anyone of the greeters and they will be happy to help you get connected
- Join a House Group
- Join a Bible Study Group
- Join the Friendship Circle if you’re looking to connect with the 65 – 80+ age group
What does Bethany's Sunday Service look like?
It's such a joy to gather together on Sundays to pray, worship, read the word, and not only see long-lasting friends but meet new ones. Our services are live-streamed every Sunday at 10am and Recent Sunday Services are archived and available on our website. We invite you to come join us either in person or online.
- To watch our live stream services, click here at 10 am on Sundays.
- Recent and past services and sermon only videos and audios are archived and can be found here.
- Sermon transcripts in English and Spanish are available here. We plan to have past bilingual translated sermons in Chinese available in the future as well.
What about my kids?
Bethany is a family-friendly place. We believe that children are a blessing from God and should be taught about God in a fun learning environment! Check out our Bethany Kids , Bethany Student Ministries and Young Adults sections of our website to see all that's being offered to our families.
How does Bethany communicate with me?
Check out Bethany’s website for all the information about how to keep up to date with what's going on and how to be included in our mailing list.
Here’s our Events Calendar. We are constantly updating the Events Calendar, so check back often so you don't miss anything.
Questions? Call us at 604.519.0123 or email receptionist@bethanybaptist.bc.ca