Philip Wijaya
I have been blessed with the opportunity to coordinate the music ministry at Bethany. My heart is for people to experience Christ-centered and life-transforming worship that brings delight to God.
I was born in Indonesia and grew up in a Christian family. I accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior when I was a teenager and got baptized in May 2001. Since then, the Lord has dramatically transformed my life, giving me the desire and stewardship to honor and glorify Him through a variety of gifts He has given me, mainly in the realms of faith, music, and science. By God's grace, I had served in church music ministries since my youth at churches in Indonesia, and in later years at a local church in South Korea, prior to now ministering at Bethany. In addition, I currently work as a postdoctoral researcher at UBC, where I completed my study in Chemical and Biological Engineering. Other than music and science, I also enjoy writing, soccer, hiking, and photography. My wife, Sandra, and I currently live in Vancouver with our daughter, Shalom.
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